A Successful Opening Celebration!

Last week we hosted a small celebration at our Grundy County office in anticipation of opening BetterFi! Our temporary banner and sign may have been blown off by bad weather since then, but we are here for the long haul!

Tower Community Bank has graciously partnered with us to provide space in Coalmont, and so our next steps are to prepare our internal policies and procedures, acquire necessary licenses, prepare our loan management platform, and begin establishing partnerships with organizations that can refer borrowers. We will be working on these sections of the website so that prospective partners can get a better idea of what's required to work with us and provide our services to their employees, congregation, or members. We are hoping to begin providing loans by the end of the month!

Additionally, we are now recruiting an AmeriCorps VISTA with Sewanee's Babson Center for Global Commerce.

This VISTA would receive a living allowance stipend along with some other benefits, but primarily would be responsible for building out the financial coaching volunteer network. For more information and a link to the AmeriCorps application portal, check out our job posting on Facebook.

A huge thank you!

Lastly, we appreciate the attendance of so many people and groups that have been instrumental in the successful development of the BetterFi concept: the University of the South, the University's Office of Civic Engagement, the University's Babson Center for Global Commerce, the South Cumberland AmeriCorps VISTA Program, the South Cumberland Community Fund, the Grundy County Mayor's Office, and of course Tower Community Bank. 

Thanks also to the Dutch Maid Bakery and the Blue Chair Tavern for food and refreshments!


Our First Newsletter, New Donation Page, and Contact Page are Live!


We are live!