Newsletters & Blog

There’s still time to register for BetterFi’s Potluck Cook-Off Fundraiser at 6pm on the evening of September 30th, 2023 in Monteagle!
BetterFi’s 2023 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) free income tax sessions are scheduled.
Better BetterFi - With your help, in 2022 we met our "reach" goals and extended over $157,000 in consumer credit, effectively keeping more than $383,000 in our clients' pockets…
BetterFi is excited to announce that Bill Titus will be taking over the duties of Board Chair… BetterFi is a newly certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and a 501(c)(3) non-profit Tennessee Industrial Loan and Thrift (TILT) that primarily focuses on providing affordable installment loans as an alternative to and means of escaping from predatory payday, title, and flex loans.
Author Davide Scigliuzzo and artist Christopher Cannon do a great job covering the record profits that predatory lenders have seen since the pandemic, but especially illustrative is their interactive infographic showing how one Kimberly Richardson saw a predatory lender fleece her of thousands of dollars before she declared bankruptcy…
… BetterFi was nominated by the South Cumberland Plateau VISTA Project, sponsored by the University of the South, in the category of Most Significant Innovation, which recognizes an AmeriCorps program that has allowed the organization to expand the service or impact it provides…
Crusade Channel’s True Money with David Simpson recently had Spike, the executive director and founder of BetterFi, on the air to discuss predatory lending at home and abroad as well as BetterFi’s attempt to end predatory lending. Click through to listen.
We explore whether or not our loans are better than typical Tennessee title pledge loans with our hypothetical client Jane Doe.
… If you have a few minutes and are not very familiar with payday loans, give yesterday’s episode a listen here.
BetterFi is on Amazon Smile! If you use Amazon frequently, you may or may not be aware that you can shop through in order to have 0.5% of each purchase donated to a charity of your choice.
Looking at that year’s data, a participation rate of 81.8% means that over $370,000,000 was left on the table by more than 147,000 families…
BetterFi’s first newsletter looking at our progress this year is now live. Check it out to see highlights of what BetterFi has done in our first year.
Tower Community Bank has graciously partnered with us to provide space in Coalmont, and so our next steps are to prepare our internal policies and procedures, acquire necessary licenses …